Help for Ukraine
Like almost everyone worldwide, we - the «Happy Home» team - are deeply affected by the pictures from the war-ravaged Ukraine. In this war there are only losers, everyone carries the pain of losses and the horrors experienced in their hearts for a lifetime
It is especially the older people and families with children who suffer most from the destruction of the infrastructure and their homes.
After the end of the war, the Ukrainian population needs our help to rebuild their houses, schools and infrastructure. This rebuilding of Ukraine must be planned today and prepared as far as possible.
Personally, I believe that we must act NOW to be ready to rebuild Ukraine after the war. We need simple, practicable solutions so that the destroyed houses are replaced as quickly as possible.
Together with Professor Martin Beth, head of the Digitization and BIM competence area at the University of Applied Sciences OST in Rapperswil, Switzerland, we have therefore developed an "upgrade" for the Happy Home, which allows a protective and safe house to be built even for extreme temperatures.
We know we can adapt our «Happy Home» to the climatic conditions of Ukraine; temperatures in summer up to + 35 and wintertime temperatures to – 20 degrees Celsius.
What has been done so far
One preparation for the reconstruction is the "CAS Rebuild Ukraine" project, which Professor Thomas Rohner from the Biel University of Applied Sciences launched. The aim of this program is to train Ukrainian construction specialists / architects with a view to new and ecological technologies.
The kickoff meeting took place in Biel on February 27th. I was proud to present our «Happy Home» as a lecturer and as part of this project.
The «Happy Home» fits into post-war rebuilding.
The house can be built within a few weeks and - if desired - as a self-assembly kit and by the families / communities themselves. It's safe, stable, and inexpensive.
Thanks to the modular design, it can be adapted to the needs of the future owner, from a 1-person household to a multi-generational house. It is ecological and can be produced and created with local resources.
We want to build a first «Happy Home» outside of Ukraine and check in detail whether the theoretically made adjustments meet the requirements. We want the needs of Ukrainian families to be met so that they can feel safe and comfortable in their new home.
Please help us to give affected families hope and belief in a good future with the «Happy Home».
What we have already achieved
Thanks to crowdfunding, we received enough funds to build the skeleton of the «Happy Home» for Ukraine. We thank all our supporters for making this possible!
We need further financial support so that we can complete the house as a whole, train Ukrainians on our technology and deliver the finished «Happy Home» to eastern Ukraine.
If you like, please donate to our bank account at the
Thurgauer Kantonalbank in Affeltrangen
Franz Gaehler, "My Happy Home", CH-9502 Braunau
IBAN Nr. CH4100784297570062001.
Thank you very much!
Modeling a Village in Eastern Ukraine
The OST University of Applied Sciences, Prof. Peter Petschek Dipl.-Ing. MLA, major in landscape architecture, decided to model an entire village with the «Happy Home». This task is based on geodata from eastern Ukraine and will be a class assignment for the students.
The modeled village visualizes the future and can later easily be adapted for other areas.
I think such a visualization also gives the affected families hope for the future after the end of the war.
Our next Goal
We know the requirements for production. As soon as the financing is secured, we will build a model house in Thailand with the infrastructure available to us to check the house with all its functions and adjust it if necessary. Thanks to this approach, we can eliminate any sources of error and thus ensure and maintain quality.
After completion and verification, it will be delivered to Ukraine as a model home.
The great advantage of our construction is that the basic framework for a segment of 54 m2 can be erected within a maximum of 2 weeks. It is stable and, with the appropriate insulation, also "suitable for winter". In this way, destroyed houses can be replaced within a very short period of time.
I very much hope that with the help of the world community - including your help - we will be able to support the Ukrainian population directly so that as many families as possible can find a home in the shortest possible time; a home that is self-sufficient with solar power, wastewater treatment and even groundwater treatment.
Our Dream
After a first village in eastern Ukraine - as modeled by the OST University of Applied Sciences - further houses, schools and entire villages are to be built.
We make our technology available for this so that the "Happy Home" can be produced and delivered locally.
Let me quote Henry Ford:
Coming together is a beginning;
keeping together is progress;
working together is success.
This also applies to social projects such as ours.
Warm regards